100 Saltwater Fishing Mistakes & How To Avoid Them

Weight: 0 lbs 13 ozs
Learning from your mistakes is definitely the hard way to go about improving your fishing skills. Doing things right is sometimes just a matter of not doing things wrong. You are much better off avoiding mistakes in the first place. This program provides a list of one hundred common mistakes, including a few not so common large mistakes, that you want to be sure to avoid. Following this advice and learning how to avoid them will help you become a better angler. Subjects Covered Include: Setting Drags Improperly. Getting Hooked. Getting Your Line Broken. Rigging Baits Improperly. Loosing Fish at the Boat. Trolling in Areas Void of Fish. Failing to Consider the Tide. Fish Finder Problems. Failing to Check the Weather.Landing Fish Improperly. Not Being Able to Find Waypoints. Using the Wrong Baits.
Price: $34.95
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100 Saltwater Fishing Mistakes & How To Avoid Them
100 Saltwater Fishing Mistakes & How To Avoid Them
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50 minutes
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