Inshore Sportfishing For Sheepshead

Weight: 0 lbs 13 ozs
With Capt. Dave Sipler - Florida fishing guide & Writer for Sportfishing Magazine. Inshore and near coastal saltwater sportfishing has become increasingly popular. Some of the largest of many of the saltwater species can be found year round in and around inlets to the ocean where they find an abundant food supply washed out by the tides from the estuaries. Sheepshead, Black Drum, Speckled Sea Trout and Flounder are among the most popular. They can challenge the light tackle enthusiast as well as providing excellent table fare. Discover the tips and techniques to help you catch these challenging species.
Price: $19.95
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Inshore Sportfishing For Sheepshead
Inshore Sportfishing For Sheepshead
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42 minutes
Availability: Usually ships in 5+ days